All posts by Hentaikid

Cammy fingerfucked

I’ve actually been doing a lot of rendering the last week and this one, but I didn’t post anything, I really need to get back in the habit of making regular posts…

Anyway, the cammysutra set will feature masturbation, then fingering, then blowjobs  and then penetration and multiple penetration. Here’s a bit of fingering to start with

Figurine model tests

Working on the pipeline to produce 3d models that may be printed… it’s not simple because I need to convert them and then make sure they are “watertight” and manifold, basically one solid piece. Here’s a test in blender

The nice thing, once everything works and I get some figures printed is, I guess, I can actually make multiple figures in different poses since the characters are rigged to be fully poseable, you don’t see that too often.

I’m not sure what the company doing the printing would think of adult models though, but they are Dutch so they’re probably open minded… 🙂