Image links to 640k mpg4 avi, login NOT required (For the moment, hah!)
I spent some time redoing Katt’s tiger stripe textures, I think they are now better (Though you can’t really seem them from there) I removed her leggings/bandages from the texture since that looked crappy and will add them as separate geometry if I ever actually bother to do her clothes. It’s not like little miss no-pants wears THAT much so I really should do it.
Well, boobsuck.avi is now almost 2 minutes long! It could’ve been longer but I cut down on some of the more obvious loops. I also stopped halfway to rebuild the characters eye area which accounts for the delay
I was messing around with textures and stuff and I ended up doing this:
Special FX! Maybe I could adapt this for morrigan’s bat transformation or something. There’s a lot of creative shit I could do but never get around to experiment with.
I went away for a quick unscheduled vacation! I am now much refreshed, doubly so because Paul Robertson has finally released his awesome short: Pirate Baby’s Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006!
(I’ve provided a local mirror for it because the initial download was saturated. 110M mpg file, well worth the download if you’ve ever played a videogame)