the title of the animation is “gangbang” so it’s time to start adding more guys to the mix.
A note regarding new subscribers: When you log in sometimes the password prompt appears twice, just enter the same password again, it’s a normal thing (Some sort of apache hiccup) I’ve noticed a lot of people seem to have problems loggin in with valid passwords.
If you still can’t log in after subscribing make sure you contact me.
Image links to a 10 second 2meg avi (Login required). I’m gonna shoot for daily updates again, 10 seconds a day, 6 days a week gives me a minute of animation per week, which isn’t bad. We’ll see if I can keep it up
The background is just some thing I tossed out playing with terragen a while ago, I’ll probably switch it for something else
Edit: yes I have been making progress but problems with the compositing app. means I haven’t been able to upload the finished versions, will upload the whole minute at the end of the week, probably.
Here’s a very early screenshot of my new Linna Inverse model, to match the Naga one.
“But HK” you’ll say “Didn’t you already have one of her”
Well yes, but it’s kinda obsolete and it sucks, so I’m redoing it!
I’m also having some work done at home so I’m having trouble working on the computer while there’s drilling and stuff going on next to me, but it should be finished soon.