I’ve just recovered from a bout of the flu and I’m back to work on some new animations, meanwhile, lacking content of my own I thought I’d point you to some nice stuff I came accross:
Akumi, episode 1 by Primal Instinct is a neat flash based “webisode” (Remember those?) featuring some cool action sequences and tasty elf abuse.
The short has received some criticism due to it’s explicit content. AFAIK it could’ve been a little more explicit for my tastes, but then that’s hardly surprising.
The animation is a 167 meg download in .mov format (Not sure why it isn’t in flash format but then I’m not an expert in flash, I just use it as a container sometimes)
Edit: the website is currently down due to bandwidth consumption so I asked permission to upload a mirror
edit # 2 they seem to be back up again, I’ll leave the mirror up anyhow since bw use wasn’t too bad
2:30 minutes 43 megabytes MPG4 avi, link leads to the full movie (Login required, join here)
I’m a little frustrated with the length of the animation, a few minutes isn’t much, on the other hand I’ve been looking at other hentai animations and pretty much they have simple 1 second loops going for a whole minute with a little bit of panning around, or else extremely short sex scenes that last seconds.
Will be giving Katt a break next week and focusing on other charactes. Elves probably.