The Slave collar

Orexius asked:

I notice she’s not got the collar you talked about earlier, is it going to be added on later, or is it not an actual visual element?

So, I had an idea about that.  Starfire’s design already incorporates a collar with a big gem on the front. Since this game is set before the Teen Titans, I thought that this could be the origin of this particular adornment.

So, the collar Starfire always wears is actually her slave collar, and she keeps it after finally deactivating it as a memento of her escape.

In game the gem could be a visual indicator of the collar’s status, showing red while active, blue when inactive.

Sprite rendering

starfiresprite2 starfiresprite

experimenting with 2d sprite generation, the game will probably be a mix of 2d and 3d elements to some degree, and possibly 2d sprites will be lighter for a game that has lots of stuff going on on screen. We shall see how it works out.

First enemy type poll

Just to get some interactivity going I’m going to start a poll for what the first kind of enemy type should be, this will be the security robot type enemy that won’t have a sex attack at this point (But maybe later…) The next step will be designing the alien customer enemy type that will have a sex move.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Setting up interface and character animation


Working on character controls, animations and the look of the game screen, I wanted to have a closeup of her face on the screen both for  dialog and for facial expressions (Ahegao faces!)

In this example I’m using a camera pointing at the model’s face but I probably will end up with prerendered animations in the final version.

I’ve animated her hovering above the ground and firing starbolts, next to do the walking animations