Site redesign…

The current blog setup is too talky, people want pr0n not to read a goddamn novel, so I’m going to shake things up a little, make it more visual. Working on some more Cammy animations as sponsored by Rick.

Also working on a “silent” fund it method, just click a button and signup and have it counted, I realize most people would rather have it this way

On reposting

I’ve always allowed reposting of anything I put here on the open, since from now on I’m going to be posting 99% of everything free I thought I should restate my position.

I prefer if you hotlink! Dreamhost gives me a ton of bandwith of which I use less than 10%
If you hotlink I can see where it’s linked and maybe check out what people are saying about it.

Uploading to an image host is not doing me a favour, those guys run their own ads and profit off my work that way, plus they will delete eventually, leaving you with broken links. I tend not to delete anything (Again, dreamhost, tons of disk space) and sometimes I’ll upload updated versions of the same file replacing flawed ones.

If it’s an imageboard where you have to upload, then that’s fine too, it’s the way they work. In any case, a clickable link back, if allowed, is very, very welcome! Sure people can read the url on the image, then type it in their browser bar and come visit, but few do, a click is a lot easier. And a link is followed by search engine robots and they use how many links a website has to determine how important it is.

Finally, about the url stamp, I’m afraid they are absolutely necessary – I know people don’t like them, and I noticed people reposted the versions without the stamps while ignoring ones that did have the url on them, but I’m not running some site that automatically stamps every image they come accross, I spend hours making this stuff and without the url on it it just becomes free content for a thousand generic gallery sites. So if you like an image enough to repost it without the urls, please consider doing so with them too.

Starfire buggered, cont.

Well Ekartia stepped up and funded the continued anal adventures of Starfire, these go in the members area as they’re just provisional test renders. Only final versions will be posted in the open, there have to be some perks to being a member, and it’ll cut down on WIP versions of animations circulating.

these are low res and have some flaws that need correcting, I switched the male’s shading to match starfires it makes more difference than I thought.

Edit, swapped in the newer animations.

edit 2 updated longer higher res animations, now with moving hair!

Funded: Starfire’s interrogation

“And every night before interrogation the Gordanians would stick their xylphyms in my flazgazt repeatedly for a long time. I am not sure why they did this, some kind of ritual of their people”

“They were fucking you, Starfire”

“No friend Raven, you are mistaken, they never put their xylphyms in myforslig so…”

“Oh brother”

edit: this is the final-ish version with some fixes

Older versions below for comparison?

So does anyone want to fund an anaglyph (3d, side by side, cross your eyes to make it pop out) version? Only 5 points, guv.