My inspiration

I just noticed Alchemy Atelier has a blog. This is the website of the japanese artist whose use of 3d first inspired me to try it out. He’s currently doing a 3d model of Saber from Fate/Stay night that blows away anything I could do (No adult content though, he doesn’t do porn)

I guess I have something to shoot for in terms of quality (Yes he does use the same software I do so I have no excuse!)

Akumi animated short

I’ve just recovered from a bout of the flu and I’m back to work on some new animations, meanwhile, lacking content of my own I thought I’d point you to some nice stuff I came accross:


Akumi, episode 1 by Primal Instinct is a neat flash based “webisode” (Remember those?) featuring some cool action sequences and tasty elf abuse.

The short has received some criticism due to it’s explicit content. AFAIK it could’ve been a little more explicit for my tastes, but then that’s hardly surprising.

The animation is a 167 meg download in .mov format (Not sure why it isn’t in flash format but then I’m not an expert in flash, I just use it as a container sometimes)

Edit: the website is currently down due to bandwidth consumption so I asked permission to upload a mirror

edit # 2 they seem to be back up again, I’ll leave the mirror up anyhow since bw use wasn’t too bad