Urrr, so it turns out the program I was using to change the animations frame rate was doing so by discarding frames instead of changing their duration.
No wonder the animation looked choppy. Time to re-render a ton of stuff…
Here’s a gif of katt getting tentacled while we wait (Old one, sorry, just pandering to the freeloaders normal visitors:

We’re up to 44 seconds now…
(login required to see the animation)

The animated gif links to the member area clip which is longer, the idea is I will be adding 5-20 seconds to it every day.
Updated the clip, it’s now 4 meg and almost 30 seconds, more to be added.
I think I’ll be editing my posts rather than making new ones.
Okay, here’s something (6 meg mpg4 avi, requires login)
It’s far from complete and less than perfect, but I think I’ve finally got a handle on animating and rendering longer chunks of animation. Will be finishing it soon and moving onto something else. Probably tentacles 🙂
The member area still needs a redesign along the lines of the rest of the site, I’ll do that over the next few days.
Original and rule34 hentai animations